Wide Open Door


Last week we received news that will pose a significant change in our circumstances. On the surface, it doesn't look good. I think if this had happened years back, I probably would have gone into meltdown and caused a bit of emotional collateral along the way.

I didn't. I heard the news, saw an impossible situation but I also saw it line up perfectly with a wide open door to possibility and opportunity. I felt excited. I felt sick. I immediately made myself a cup of tea and headed to our back deck to process under the umbrella. The unknown was compelling, terrifying, but my experience, backed by my knowledge of truth told me God has our back.

It's exhausting too. I'm emotionally spent going through how we are going to make it all work. My mind slips into that dangerous zone, questioning what does this mean about us? Who are we that this is happening? But one thing I have learnt from the past year, is that just because something is painful or I am exhausted from its impact, it doesn't mean God isn't there, in fact, it's highly likely He's in the middle of orchestrating something very good.

So watch this space. I don't have the end of the story yet, one day I will share the details, but in the meantime we'll just trust, throw ourselves through this wide open door and maybe we'll even enjoy the ride.